PHYSICS Chapter:- Radioactivity Theory PDF file download here Topic included:- Definition and types of radioactivity, properties of alfa ray particles, properties of beta rays particles, properties of beta-gamma particles, Laws of radioactive disintegration, Decay equation, Half-life, Radiocarbon dating, medical uses of radiation Numerical PDF file download here Topic included:- Decay law of N, Relation between half-life and decay constant, Law of radioactivity. Chapter:- Photo-electricity PDF file download here Topic included:- Photo Electric effect, Quantum Theory of Radiation, Threshold energy or Work function (∅), Stopping Potential, Einstein’s Photo Electric Equation, Uses of the photoelectric effect, Bohr’s Theory of H- Atom, Numerical problems. Chapter:- Properties of Nucleus PDF file download here Topic included:- Nucleus, Types of Nucleus, Properties of Nu...
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