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Serum and plasma preparation

 Serum preparation

 -Begin by collecting blood from animals with sterile syringes.

- Place the blood in a clean tube and let it at room temperature for 15-30 minutes.

- Place the tube in the centrifuge machine and spin it for 10-15 minutes at 3000 RPM to separate the serum from the blood cells.

- After centrifuging the sample, the clot particles settle to the bottom and yellowish serum liquid comes on the surface. 

- Extract the serum with a Pasteur pipette and preserve it for laboratory tests.

plasma preparation

When whole blood is collected in anticoagulant-treated tubes, plasma gets created. The blood does not clot in the plasma tube. Centrifugation is used to separate the cells. Using a Pasteur pipette, the supernatant, known as plasma, is carefully separated from the cell particle.


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