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      What does "Murrha" means?

The unique breed known as the murrha was first discovered in the Indian state of Punjab. Murrha is world’s finest milk producing buffalo which is popular in dairy farming and also meat production.

The average male and female body weights are 500–550 kg and 400–450 kg, respectively. First calving time is 42-43 month on average. It can yield 1550–2500 Ltr of milk each lactation. The fat proportion in milk is 7-8% and SNF (solid not fat) 10-12%.

Why is murrha popular right now?

A memorandum of agreement was agreed upon during Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal's recent visit to India to deliver the Murrah buffalo bulls to Nepal.

A substantial increase in milk production will result from crossbreeding using artificial insemination on at least 100,000 buffaloes after the production of 150,000 doses of semen from 15 Murrah buffalo bulls in a year after three years, according to a statement released on Sunday by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development. The primary goal is to grade Nepalese buffaloes, which are crossbred locally. When inseminated calves reached growing up, grading up helped buffaloes produce more milk of higher quality.

According to the Ministry, the Murrah buffalo bulls were retained under the NARC (Nepal agriculture research center) from the Government of Nepal with India on various dates based on the Nepal-India Joint Agriculture Group conference in 2018.

According to reliable sources, Nepali researchers and technicians are prepared to visit Indian farms to study their technological features.When the technical aspects are finalized, the Murrah buffalo bulls will be made available to the Nepali side at Nepal's customs points.  The Department of Livestock Services' National Livestock Breeding Offices in Pokhara, Nepalgunj, and Lahan would be in supervision of the Murrah buffalo bulls.



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